Heard At a Meeting

Heard At a Meeting grew out of a filler column for a monthly fellowship newsletter.  Things heard anonymously at 12-Step recovery meetings mostly.  We hope to get it organized soon but for now it's just here.  Enjoy and if you do pass it on. To make submissions or get in touch click Here

Heard At a Meeting

Heard At a Meeting grew out of a filler column for a monthly fellowship newsletter.  Things heard anonymously at 12-Step recovery meetings mostly.  We hope to get it organized soon but for now it's just here.  Enjoy it and if you do pass it on.

To make submissions or get in touch click Here.

 Figuring it out is NOT one of the steps.


“I don’t know,” the three most spiritual words in the English language.

 I get controlling when I’m scared.

 I used to think about my dad, “If you really loved me you’d change.” Now I think it about myself.

 Your friends are God’s way of apologizing for your family.

 Be the thing you want.

Sometimes people who seem nice... aren't nice.

 I still have that map, but I don’t follow it any more.

 This program works by osmosis. The toxic concentrations in ourselves are diluted by the people around us.

 The secret to success is to show up.

 The word recovery comes from the old French ‘recouvrir’ which means to regain consciousness.

 I learned strategies in childhood that don’t work for me as an adult.

 My family was emotionally unavailable, emotionally anorexic, and emotionally autistic.

 I repeat things to people and I recognize that as the legacy of not being heard.

 Of course we pass on the problem but you can also pass on the recovery, so get with the program.

 ‘Powerlessness’ is the jewel in the crown.

 You can borrow the God of my understanding until you find the God of your own understanding.

 You can’t get the honey until you’re ready to get stung.

 If you sit in the barbers for long enough you’re going to get a haircut.

 My mind is like a bad neighbourhood. You don’t go there alone.

 I’ve been in the rooms for a quarter of my life. Now I just have to be here for the next three quarters and I’ll be in balance.

 I would give my left arm for my kids, but my kids don’t want a one armed dad.

 I married a bully. Of course I did because that’s my mother’s milk.

 When you bury your feelings you bury them alive.

 There’s always someone with more sobriety than me. There’s always someone who’s more crazy.

 I just concentrate on the next right thing.

 I feel that I’m developing a relationship with myself but I’m so co-dependent that feels like I’m being unfaithful.

 You know how water can carve a groove in a rock? Well the water can be diverted to carve a new groove, a better groove, but the old groove is always there.

 Love is always a risk.

 Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.

 I’m lost. But if I don’t get lost how can I find a new way?

 I can humbly ask God to remove my short comings, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. When they are removed, it’s not for very long and they don’t get removed very far. That fact keeps me humble. If I did the steps and they stuck, then I’d be the boss…

 I loved being in the rescue business because I didn’t have to look at myself.

 When I came into al Anon I was very conscious of my differences from other people. Now I’m conscious of my similarities.

 When I had an affair, and admitted it much later, that was the best gift I could give him. I gave him back his trust in his own intuition.

 Say what I mean without being mean.

 I can only do acceptance if I have step three. I can’t accept my pain without also handing it over.

 It’s not why is this happening to me. It’s why is this happening for me?

 [During check in] My defects are having a rave.

 Don’t compare your insides to other people’s outsides.

 Do you know what, “beware the bear” means? It means ‘be aware’ of the bear, not ‘be afraid.’

Boy, this sure is a tough one God. I can't wait to see what you do with this one

 It's not people who let me down it's my expectations that let me down

 The program gives me all the things that alcohol and drugs promised

 Al-Anon gives me all the things that my dreams of control promised

 I used to have to go to meetings now I get to go

 If God is my employer maybe I'm not always the best employee

 Pray that they get exactly what they deserve

 Pray that God gives them what they truly deserve

 When faith gives way to fear I'm not living in god's will

 I do not want to be the light at the end of anyone's tunnel

 The first step in finding yourself is feeling lost

 I'm cheating people of an honest relationship with me

You can't worry yourself into serenity nor can you rage your way into serenity

What are you doing right now to take care of yourself

I wish success felt like success

The subconscious has no sense of humor

It's not them, fill in the space

I wasn't wrong I was just mistaken

I was using the slogans to escape responsibility

the things that seemed positive in my second inventory seemed like CDs in my third inventory

Life sucks better sober

I lose hope when I forget that I have choices and when I forget that I have a higher power. When I'm relying on only myself that I have only myself to rely on

I'm not supposed to live a life that's happy joyous and free because I deserve it. It's a gift that makes me more useful to God

The chill vapor of loneliness

Blaming others keeps me at a complete spiritual standstill .  I get nothing.

I'm not good enough versus well, that sure didn't go as well as I wanted

I love the honesty humor and clarity of the program

Being involved with alcoholism distorted my perceptions, alcohol helps me regain some perspective

I am rubbish at picking gifts

Don't just hit the stones dig for the roots

Look for at least one evidence of God working in my life every day

 Don't go through the day like a race driver let God guide you

 My ego is not my amigo

 If I work the program, I have a chance

 There is absolutely no downside to sobriety

 When I'm too focused on the outcome I lose access to my kit of spiritual tools

 Turning it over to God is asking to have my instincts nudged back into balance

Keep the most important thing, the most important thing

 The alcoholic brain is like a closed economy. 1/2 manufactures b******* and the other half buys it

 My work I don't mean suffering

 People are just trying to do the best they can with what they have

 Do the best you can with what you have right now.

 The program is very counterintuitive it doesn't make sense

 You're never angry for the reason you think you are

 As I stood in my righteous indignation, I was completely blind

 the home I grew up in was way too dangerous to have feelings in

 the disease tells me that you are doing it to me to upset me. The disease lies

 The keys to my happiness aren't in anyone else's pocket.

 Age seeks to deny 2 youth what it can no longer enjoy itself

 Takes a big man to cry. But it takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man

 Forgiveness is for me? I'm not sure about that I'm starting to wonder if my forgiving others is to make me more useful to God

 When I was in prep school boarding school they used to give us saltpeter to suppress our sexual urges. I think it's starting to work

 The young person to the old person you don't know what it's like. The old person to the young person I know a lot more about being young than you do about being old.

 In the group conscience. My opinion needs to be grounded in principleType your paragraph here.




















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